Monday, October 8, 2007

Thing 3

I established an account in Bloglines and with the help of Jamie downloaded all of our MILP participant blogs. This will be a great time saver since it will identify any new posts without having to go into each blog individually.

I added a number of additional feeds. A counted cross stitch, gardening and cooking for 2 were added right from the Bloglines site just by clicking on "subscribe to feed." I added the "Sub with Bloglines" button to my favorites list. I also added my daughter's blog and have a question about the difference between the URL, one ends with /rss and the other ends with /atom but when you preview each site they look the same.

1 comment:

Linda said...

You can put the bloglines link on your blog. Then the group is just one click away. Call me & I'll tell you how to do it if you'd like to know.