Monday, October 15, 2007

Thing 17, One New Thing

This is exactly how I felt this morning when I was trying out my brand new "Information Literacy" power point presentation (PPP!) Talk about initiation by fire! This weekend I actually took my new laptop on our trip to"God's country alias Wisconsin" and prepared the PPP. Just as first hour walked in, the laptop and LCD projector were talking to each other. Everything seemed too good to be true. Well, it was. About 5 screens into the PPP I crashed and burned. The live link would not go live. In desperation I reconnected the faithful 'ol desktop but alas, I was out of time. I'm not quite sure why it wouldn't connect but it was up and running by second hour. I do feel like I've leaped a giant hurdle though, PPPPP (preparing and presenting a PPP!) :)
P.S. Almost forgot to give credit where credit is due, the cartoon was taken from:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

These new laptops seem to be travelin'!