For awhile now I have been thinking about trying to compile all the family tree information on my Dad's side of the family. He never talked very much about his family and growing up so imagine my surprise when at age 32 I first learned that he had been married before my mother! This bit of information only came out as she was angry and wanted to get back at him for something he did or said, I don't remember the exact circumstances now. Familes, don't you love them? Anyway, when we learned about Google Docs I contemplated trying that with a first cousin I keep in contact with once a year through the Christmas letter. After learning about Wikis in class it seemed just the ticket. I set up the Wiki and emailed my cousin who wrote back that he had got it. Now we just need to figure out the best format to compile the information and of course find the time. I've tried looking up family tree templates but haven't found anything I can actually download into my Wiki. If anyone has done any genealogy work I'd love to have your suggestions.
Image source: http://coe.sdsu.edu/eet/Articles/wikis/wikitbl.jpg
My mom has been working on geneaology for decades, and next weekend we're having a family gathering to assemble a lot of what she has into a book. We've bought the iWorks program and will use the "pages" section. I'll blog about it after we've met.
Also, one of my cousins created a webpage on www.myfamily.com. It's easy to post photos and videos, make comments, and even create spoken commentary. -Janet
What a great use for a wiki. Creative thinking! Linda
My husband and his sister used to go regularly to Finnish Geneology group meetings when they compiled their family history; many nationalities are small enough that connections can be readily found, in addition to learning strategy.
And Immigration History Center at the U was helpful, too. http://ihrc.umn.edu
-- Eeva
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