I'm feeling a bit like Superman these days. Yesterday a teacher came to me requesting my help. It seems she couldn't get her new Mac ibook to talk to her new LCD projector. Funny, but Leslie Yoder and I had the same problem when Leslie was presenting to staff members at Harding. It seems there is an definite order as to which machine needs to be turned on first. At the moment I don't remember which one it is, but I was lucky with the teacher and in her eyes I am "amazing!" I was then able to answer her powerpoint question too. She said, "I feel like I have just dipped my big toe into the 21st century! Maybe next year it will be my foot!" and she has applied for the new high school technology initiative. All year I have been collaborating with teachers. I'm catching on slowly. It seems there have not been high expectations of librarians in the past at Harding and teachers are surprised that I "actually teach!" The wheels of progress move slowly but we are in gear!